Lyricist(s): Sam Hui Composer(s): Sam Hui singer(s): Sam Hui
"The God of Fortune Has Arrived" (財神到 / 财神到) is a 1978 Cantonese-language Chinese New Year song, written and sung by Sam Hui (許冠傑 / 许冠杰). The song is one of the most well-known and popular Cantonese New Year songs.
God of Wealth is arriving, God of Wealth is arriving, doing good things will result in good fortune.
God of Wealth says, God of Wealth says, earn your money from legitimate sources.
God of Wealth is arriving, God of Wealth is arriving, best to walk faster.
If he appreciated you, you will have a good future.
Everyone is celebrating the new year, it is very festive. Together we wish you good fortune and good health.
Also wishing for a promotion for you this year, happiness all day long and a bright future.
Wishing that every couple will be loving, always accompanied by luck and having nothing to worry about.
May your meetups with relatives and friends be full of New Year festivity and happiness showing your faces.
Wishing that every pair will be able to get married.
Also wishing every workmate will have great success.
No one will be fighting, everyone will always happy and have nothing to worry about.
Listen to music to relax and cast away your sorrows.
Everyone is celebrating the New year, and looking forward to the arrival of the God of Wealth.
財神到 財神到 好心得好報
財神話 財神話 搵錢依正路
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
闔府慶新歲 喜氣盈盈
齊賀你多福蔭 壯健強勁
又祝你今年 慶獲榮昇
朝晚多多歡笑 錦繡前程
願夫婦恩愛 體貼入微
成日有吉星照 百事無忌
共親友相見 說話投機
充滿新春喜氣 歡暢揚眉
財神到 財神到 好心得好報
財神話 財神話 搵錢依正路
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
賀所有鴛侶 花結並頭
還望各位工友 百業成就
大家冇爭鬥 快樂無憂
聽隻歌輕鬆吓 拋卻恨愁
財神到 財神到 好心得好報
財神話 財神話 搵錢依正路
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
大眾慶新春 望財神到
update:2025-01-24 20:39:57